Saturday, August 16, 2008


" 1 a (1): the science and art of employing the political, economic, psychological, and military forces of a nation or group of nations to afford the maximum support to adopted policies in peace or war

(2): the science and art of military command exercised to meet the enemy in combat under advantageous conditions

b: a variety of or instance of the use of strategy

2 a: a careful plan or method : a clever stratagem

b: the art of devising or employing plans or stratagems toward a goal

3: an adaptation or complex of adaptations (as of behavior, metabolism, or structure) that serves or appears to serve an important function in achieving evolutionary success "

Nicely put, Webster, and somewhere in all that; it can apply to what I need to do really well in Fantasy Football this year.

Draft Day is now the 23rd and I have the 11th pick first round out of a 12-man league. We do a serpentine draft which means I get the 2nd pick during the 2nd round, 11th during the third and so on and so forth. Although I get two picks pretty much back-to-back every other round; it's a LONG time I have to wait on the others. I drew 2nd pick last year which was just as bad. I, of course, took Jackson who did nothing but break my heart all season. This year I'm looking at getting somewhere in the neighborhood of Grant, Jones-Drew, or Lynch for first round. I'm thinking that I should go for a strong WR 2nd round instead of the obligatory second RB since it will be a while that I get to pick again in the 3rd.

And you know who my man will be. I don't care how much of a drama-king he is; but, I just love TO. And Duncan, if you are reading this, and you steal him away from me; I will never bring you cookies or brownies again! :)

I am also thinking that if noone has picked up Farve by the 8th; I'll take him. (Again, Duncan. No cookies; No brownies. Lol) I know it's been reported that he's showing fatigue in his throwing arm during training camp. But, I just have a feeling that he's going to make a showing this year. If for nothing else than to show that he's still viable.


On the College front: I'm wicked excited that my Clemson Tigers are playing Alabama in the Georgia Dome first game! Clemson is going into the season ranked #9 with Alabama missing from the top 25. And I am not so sassy to think that all that actually means anything. We all know that set-ups like that just spell "Upset". That is why I am not going to be cocky and assume that we are going to kick their Crimson Tide ass all over the place.

"Alabama and Clemson represent two of the most tradition-rich teams in college football," Stokan said. "We're awfully excited about this. We think the fan bases of the two teams will really support this in a very favorable way." (Atlanta Sports Council president Gary Stokan)

I have deemed all my Clemson t-shirts unacceptable to wear during this game for one reason or another, (Past loses, bad company, bad hair day, whatever) and have ordered a brand new one just for this game. I am nothing if not superstitious.



C.... :-)
Clemson?! That may be the hottest thing I think I've heard you say in a long time! ;)
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