Wednesday, July 09, 2008

I have a pet peeve...

I can hear what you're saying.

"Of course you do, Miss Scarlett. What is it today?'

It drives me crazy when someone at my bar uses a Bev-Nap to blow their nose into. Or cough into. Or wipe some unidentifiable (Its a word. I checked.) thing off of something. And then ball it up and leave it on the bar for me to pick up. Seriously, what's that all about? Just stick it in your pocket and deal with it later. In as much as you DON'T want to touch it anymore; I don't want to have to touch it at all.

Your best bet at my bar should you need to sneeze, cough, or wipe: Have pockets. Because I will embarrass you. Just tonight I pushed an offending Nap back at a person and exclaimed my surprise that their Mama didn't teach them better. I feel bad I did that; but not really. He should have known better.



Way to go Scarlett ! I hope that you pushed it back with a straw; much more dramatic. Grown people should know better.
C.... :-)
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