Wednesday, July 09, 2008
According to Wiki, "Digg is a website made for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the Internet, by submitting links and stories, and voting and commenting on submitted links and stories, in a social and democratic spirit. Voting stories up and down is the site's cornerstone function, respectively called digging and burying. Many stories get submitted every day, but only the most dugg stories appear on the front page."
I was late to the game with Digg. When I discovered it; I thought, "I Love the news. All news. This could be fun." Well, now that I have done it for a few weeks; I have developed a theory. There are people that do nothing all day but jump between websites devoted to the news and websites devoted to weird-but-true stories. These people don't have jobs. Every time I attempt to submit a story; it's already there 45 times. And it seems to be the same people submitting and commenting. I want one of my stories to be accepted as "first reported" and "Dugg" by someone! But that won't happen. Because I have a job. One that doesn't allow me to surf all day.
I love the concept; but it's a game not all can play. My attention span is about THIS big and I just lose interest if I feel I'm constantly having to chase the same people.
Digg fans? Anyone? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Maybe I'm not understanding the rules.
I was late to the game with Digg. When I discovered it; I thought, "I Love the news. All news. This could be fun." Well, now that I have done it for a few weeks; I have developed a theory. There are people that do nothing all day but jump between websites devoted to the news and websites devoted to weird-but-true stories. These people don't have jobs. Every time I attempt to submit a story; it's already there 45 times. And it seems to be the same people submitting and commenting. I want one of my stories to be accepted as "first reported" and "Dugg" by someone! But that won't happen. Because I have a job. One that doesn't allow me to surf all day.
I love the concept; but it's a game not all can play. My attention span is about THIS big and I just lose interest if I feel I'm constantly having to chase the same people.
Digg fans? Anyone? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Maybe I'm not understanding the rules.