Saturday, May 31, 2008

No Title

I'm too pissed to think up a clever title for this post. Where do I begin?

I live in a semi-upscale area. Meaning: The area was really hot for a couple of decades, fell into bad times, double-income couples that work on the Hill moved in and renovated = Hot Properties. In either case, the property two doors from me was aquired from a foreclosure. They took a few months to renovate and then flipped it. They moved out today and left their cat. Morris look-alike. 7 years old. Neutered and Declawed. This cat has been indoor his entire life. These people left him on the door step with a little bowl of cat food and bowl of water. Hello!! Declawed indoor cat abandoned on a door step! He can't climb a tree. He can't scratch!! My roommate called me midday to tell me about him. Apparently, he was howling outside the door of his home. A couple of other neighbors came out as well to take care of him.

My roommate and I went into Search over-load. We have to find a home for this cat!! I would love to take him; but I have a cat that is going to die soon. A 13 year old dying cat and a 7 year old "only-child" cat would not mix.

I have full confidence that we'll find a home for him. What really gets me is that these people ABANDONED him. How do you do that? A cat that is Declawed is totally vunerable when let outside. (They amputated his fingers. I'm not a big fan of declawing.) How do you in good conscious abandon a family pet?? At the very least, take the pet to a shelter. Don't leave him alone in an environment that he is totally unfamiliar with. With no means of defending himself.

Dante has a special level of hell for these people.


Kimberly's cat is bad-ass and has all her fingers & toes.



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