Monday, January 07, 2008
Ok; I had several. I always do. My first one every year is to become more organized. If you asked 95% of my friends, they would tell you that I am very organized. The other 5% would tell you long boring stories about lost keys, purses, etc... Those are the people I TRUST. To not tell the other people the boring stories. The people that keep that persona of me being an organized person ALIVE. I know that there are other people like me out there. I am incredibly organized at work. I truly rock. But, at home.. it's a well thought out process to get out the door every morning. And I tend to fail every now & then.
To Self:
1. Purse...check
2. Keys...check
3. Uniform...check
4. I did turn off the iron, didn't I? I'm not sure. Don't remember doing it. I should unlock the 2 deadbolts, climb up the two flights of stairs and make sure. Don't want to burn the house down. It's not mine. Damn! Glad I came back in. Should get one of those irons that turns itself off.
All of these things are interchangeable. I've gotten to the gas station only to find I've left my purse at home. I've gotten to work only to find I've left my uniform at home. (Golf shirt & khaki shorts....more like Saturday wear than a uniform...still counts)
But, once I get to work; I turn into this person I really don't know that has a place for everything and everything's in it's place. I could have 100 people at my bar and work blind. I don't get it either.
So, what have you been up to?
To Self:
1. Purse...check
2. Keys...check
3. Uniform...check
4. I did turn off the iron, didn't I? I'm not sure. Don't remember doing it. I should unlock the 2 deadbolts, climb up the two flights of stairs and make sure. Don't want to burn the house down. It's not mine. Damn! Glad I came back in. Should get one of those irons that turns itself off.
All of these things are interchangeable. I've gotten to the gas station only to find I've left my purse at home. I've gotten to work only to find I've left my uniform at home. (Golf shirt & khaki shorts....more like Saturday wear than a uniform...still counts)
But, once I get to work; I turn into this person I really don't know that has a place for everything and everything's in it's place. I could have 100 people at my bar and work blind. I don't get it either.
So, what have you been up to?
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Good to see you back, for sure. As to me, quit job, left girl, started school - couplea minor things...
Happy New Year, BTW.
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Happy New Year, BTW.
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