Monday, August 01, 2005

The 'Morning After' according to Cosmo

I use to subscribe to Cosmopolitan magazine when Helen Gurley Brown was still the Editor. That was when it was a really great mix of Fashion, Beauty, Sex, Health, & Career advice. With each subject getting equal time. I haven't subscribed in a long time, but still pick it up every now and then just to see what they're teaching these days. It still has some of the Fashion/Beauty/Health/Career stuff; but it's pretty much just about sex. And it's geared toward mostly 20-somethings whereas it use to shoot for a larger demographic.

In either case; I picked it up today because I needed some pool-side reading and, come on, the cover just SCREAMS at you. "Sex Survey: The Position They Crave, Their Biggest Turn-off, The Female Flex They Love!", "Guys Uncensored", "Sizzling Sex Tips".

I read & find it's pretty much your basic common knowledge stuff. Until I get to the article titled, "Ways to Wow Him After Sex: Follow these postdeed suggestions to prevent a new flame from freaking out." It goes on to tell you these little tricks you can do to make him "come back for more". Basically, it should have been called, "How to Coddle Every Fucked Up Pre-conceived Notion He Harbors About Women."

I agreed with the first suggestion. Freshen up when you first wake up. Comb your hair, brush your teeth. But shouldn't he be doing the same? I don't care if you've been involved for one night, one week, or ten years. It's always appreciated.

The next suggestion was to feed him since apparently, according to this article, men only care about sex & food. Well, I guess I'll never see him again unless he REALLY likes toast. I'm not much on cooking.

Next was to not stick around. Don't assume you're going to spend the day together. Ya know what? I'm a busy girl. Maybe I would need HIM to not stick around 'cause I've got things to do.

Well, I'm well pass the game-playing stage & found this absolutely hysterical. It comes with sexual maturity, I suppose. That's one good thing that comes with age. You have to practice, of course.


I used to read the GF Cosmos, yes I know it is supposed to be against the law for guys to read it, and I would ask my GF, "Do you really believe this crap?"
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