Thursday, July 28, 2005
I feel smarter.
I honestly do. I woke up yesterday morning (the morn of my b-day) and felt; well, smarter. It was the same feeling I had when I woke up the day of my 30th. On that morning, I distinctly remember thinking, "I was so stupid when I was in my 20's!". This particular b-day was not a milestone or anything; so I don't know why this great realization of my sudden advance in intelligence happened. I'll make it my mission to use it to my advantage 'cause, Hey! I'm guessing it could disappear as quickly as it appeared. Kind of like "Flowers for Algernon" but not really.
I'm nursing a pretty wicked hangover right now. I quess I'm luckier than most since it didn't start until about 3 this afternoon. I was pretty much still buzzed up until then. Thank God my day was almost over by then.
FYI: If you are a bartender & it is your b-day; Do Not go to a bar where all your other bartender friends hang out. You should go to some little hole-in-the-wall place on the outskirts of town where Noone knows you. If they don't know you; they're not inclined to just keep lining up shots of Grand Marnier in front of you.
And Thank You, Tom, for taking me out. I had a great (and incredibly eye-opening) time!
Thanks to everyone that sent me good wishes. If you're in the area next year; you should join in the celebration. I'll be celebrating at No Name Bar & Grill about 100 miles from here.
I wasn't going to write about this because I didn't want to embarass anyone (Dan); but it's just too freakin' funny to pass up. A friend of mine (Dan) was in town a couple of weeks ago and on his second day here; he was borrowing his mom's car. Backing it out of the garage at all of 1 mile-an-hour, he realized that he hadn't shut the car door when it hit the inside of the garage door. Now, I know what you're thinking, "How much damage could that be?" I'll tell ya. The insurance company TOTALLED THE CAR. Totalled it. Definitely a story that he should embellish anytime he tells it.
My spell-check is not working for whatever reason. So, if I grossly mispelled something & you're laughing at me right now in light of the fact that I am smarter; Bite Me.
I'm nursing a pretty wicked hangover right now. I quess I'm luckier than most since it didn't start until about 3 this afternoon. I was pretty much still buzzed up until then. Thank God my day was almost over by then.
FYI: If you are a bartender & it is your b-day; Do Not go to a bar where all your other bartender friends hang out. You should go to some little hole-in-the-wall place on the outskirts of town where Noone knows you. If they don't know you; they're not inclined to just keep lining up shots of Grand Marnier in front of you.
And Thank You, Tom, for taking me out. I had a great (and incredibly eye-opening) time!
Thanks to everyone that sent me good wishes. If you're in the area next year; you should join in the celebration. I'll be celebrating at No Name Bar & Grill about 100 miles from here.
I wasn't going to write about this because I didn't want to embarass anyone (Dan); but it's just too freakin' funny to pass up. A friend of mine (Dan) was in town a couple of weeks ago and on his second day here; he was borrowing his mom's car. Backing it out of the garage at all of 1 mile-an-hour, he realized that he hadn't shut the car door when it hit the inside of the garage door. Now, I know what you're thinking, "How much damage could that be?" I'll tell ya. The insurance company TOTALLED THE CAR. Totalled it. Definitely a story that he should embellish anytime he tells it.
My spell-check is not working for whatever reason. So, if I grossly mispelled something & you're laughing at me right now in light of the fact that I am smarter; Bite Me.