Saturday, July 09, 2005

By the grace of God; go I.

It was easy being anonymous my first few months. And I was anonymous for one reason only. I was trash talking my employer & since I have just the worse luck ever; I thought that she may stumble across me. She never did. As far as I know. When I started my new job is when I "Came Out". Now I face a different dilemma.

I can't bring myself to write about certain things that piss me off because the particular person that pissed me off is reading me because I'm stupid & just give this address to anyone that is breathing.


So....Hypothetically speaking...let's just suppose that you have a diner that you really like to have breakfast. And for the sake of argument; lets suppose that they have a really cool afforable buffet on the weekends. And if you were so inclined; you may show up there every weekend because the General Manager is a friend of yours (let's say he's a Citadel graduate. Hence, a South Carolina native; such as myself. Just for kicks.) and he buys you & your friends breakfast. Well, in this fantasy world; let's say that none of your lazy-ass friends will get up to go have breakfast with you on a Saturday morning because they just can't metabolize alcohol as well as you do. So you go alone.

And; this IS pretend, mind you...let's say that you get there and run into a person that is merely a customer of yours. You've done the best you could to hide yourself by wearing baseball cap & ill-fitting clothes. He says," I've already eaten; but I'll have another cup of coffee & watch you eat. And then he proceeds to blow smoke IN YOUR FACE the whole time you're eating. Did I mention that this made-up person may or may not have been asking me out for 6 months?

I'm sorry....I just have to say it. DUDE! YOU SUCK! I said NO for months. Leave me the fuck alone or I may call someone! I'll put Murphy on your ass & you will be so sorry you woke up this morning!


Did I say too much?


Laughing as I read - what a funny "hypothetical"!! I, too, hate smoke blown in the face! Yuck!

I've only recently started reading your blog and I didn't know you were a SC native. So -- from one South Carolinian to another - here's raising a glass to you!
You were way too nice. hypotheticaly of course
Most of the friends I have that still smoke always ask before smoking at a dinner table.

I would have taken it out of his mouth and put it out on his forehead.

As a fellow Southerner you have my permission to stab him with the butter knife.
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