Saturday, May 21, 2005

A Fool & his money.....

blah, blah, blah.

Anyway, 5$ to anyone that witnessed "Big Boob" Amy knocking me down on the dance floor last night. I have a huge knot on my head & I may sue. Her left boob at the very least. I should get enough money out of that to keep me comfortable for a while. Most of you don't know Amy, but, one of her boobs is like the same size as my head. And her whole body knocked me down. I brought it up this morning to my friend, Carl, & he said, "Yeah. I remember that. It was funny."


So, since my head hurt so much this morning, what with, all the GM, beer, & busty-women attacks; I decided to put the hurt somewhere else. (By the way; this was my first night blowing it out PTG {Post That Guy}. Give me a break!) My nose. Because it's there. The whole Mohammed & the mountain thing. I pierced my nose shortly before I left St. Croix & took the stud out when I moved here because I thought I couldn't get a job with it in. Little did I know that everyone & his proverbial brother had SOMETHING showing. Piercing, tattoo; whatever. I hadn't thought about it again until this morning. I woke up with the idea that I had to pierce my nose again. Just had to.

I called around & found a place close by. Showed up. It was cool. Except for that 65 year old chick tattooing the guy in the corner. She was scary. Meaning; I was afraid. I was afraid she might kick my ass if I moved wrong. Fortunately, "Peggy" was my girl. I sit in Peggy's chair & she says, "So, when did you decide to pierce your nose?". I said, "About an hour ago". Peggy gets all philosophical telling me how piercings have MEANINGS & I should be sure & an hour is not enough time to think about it, etc... I said, "I paid you already, right?"


And about Peggy. She's a very cute girl. She has Daisy tattoos behind each ear. I don't get that. I have two tattoos & they are both very personal to me. I thought long & hard before each one. One is a peace sign with a rose that I got on the 10th anniversary of John Lennon's death. That's on my right hip. The other is a dolphin on my left hip. I'm a SCUBA diver & love dolphins. I just don't get what the thought process is behind getting daisy's tattooed behind your ears. Whatever. I'm sure it's a fascinating story. sic


I had forgotten that when you get your nose pierced, you can see it out of the inside corner of your eye. And you want to swat at it. Like there's a fly on your nose. I'm so going to be that crossed-eyed chick with the cool stud in her nose.


not me, I would never swat at your nose, plus it's hard to see with that boob on it, but I would be far more likely to swat at your hips, thinkin' there was something on there and all. But my vantage point is different you know.
Damn can you party or what? Boob wrestling, drinking, floor dancing and nose piercing.

Where were you when I was in DC? Probably still in high school?

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