Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Pamper me, please!
I spent more time tonight than I care to admit at....Target. I was looking for.....air filter replacements. I'm wishing I could have wasted the time at GNC looking for powdered Bust Enhancer. That would have given me just a mere headache as opposed to the migrane I think I have. I have 3 three-speed TrueAir air filters I purchased at Target a couple of months ago. In my perpetual state of naivety; I assumed I could just run on down there to get replacement filters when I needed them. But, ya know, is anything ever that easy?? I learned (after going to two Target stores) that they ONLY sell 3-Speed TrueAir air filters. And they ONLY sell 2-Speed TrueAir air filter replacements. Apples & Oranges. Ying & Yang. Except in York, Pennsylvania; where apparently, (according to one of seven salespeople I accosted) they actually SELL THE REPLACEMENT FILTER FOR THE AIR FILTER YOU PURCHASED THERE!. Novel idea! Bravo, York Target store!! One salesperson had the audacity to suggest to me that I just "drive on over" to the Best Buy & maybe they would have what I need. The Best Buy that is 5 minutes away if I was the only car on the road; but sadly, I live in gridlock hell. We don't even understand what "drive on over" means. Clearly, that salesperson lives in Target. In the Air Filter aisle. Breathing all that clean air. I hate him.
Sorry for the rant; but my allergies always kick into high gear during winter when it's too cold to leave the windows open. Off the record, I think I'm allergic to my cats. And if I don't get those filters; I may have to give them away to the next witch I run across. Which happens more often than you would think.
In the "I use to love you, but I had to kill you" category: Kevin Kline. I just noticed the shorts he's wearing in "The Big Chill".
Check out Red and Black is the new Black and Red and Ole Blue The Heretic. Both are great reads! I just added them.
Say "When". That makes it stop.
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You know these corporations just want to mess with us; twelve franks to the pack, ten hotdog buns to the pack, one company store sells type 2 air filters and type 3 replacements the other store sells the opposite, they always get you. Yet should we boycott these dastardly companies? Sure, if you want to invest in facial tissue, because your eyes will tear up, your nose will run like a faucet and you will sound like you smoke three packs of cigarettes a day because of allergies. It is a damn corporate conspiracy I tell you!
Thanks for the plug too.
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Thanks for the plug too.
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