Thursday, January 20, 2005
Ad nauseam...
I know you've heard & read about it countless times these last few days; but I just gotta say it: I can't believe "we" spent 40+ MILLION fucking dollars on this freak show affectionately known as the "Inauguration". With everything that's going on right now? Don't get me wrong. I can appreciate the Pomp & Circumstance of the tradition. But, come on. My personal opinion is that, as a country, we should just put a "Kick Me" sign on our backs. Because how freakin' stupid do we look? We're spending that much money to give a man the same party he just had 4 years ago? While we're in the middle of a war & at least 8 different countries have been affected by one of the world's worse natural disasters? Did he not like the party favors then? Thought maybe we could do better this time? How cool would it have been if he had just taken a stand. Gone against tradition. "Ya know, Laura? I think it would be nice to divert these monies to something worthwhile. Like; maybe better equipment to the soldiers in Iraq. Better living conditions while they're protecting us. Maybe we could buy more food & medicine for those poor people that have lost everything they had. Finance all those adoptions that are going to take place for all the children that have lost their entire families. Yeah, that's what we should do. I'm fine with just a little Tent party in the Rose Garden." I'm watching the local news right now covering all the festivities & I just want to say to some of these people, "Wow! That Tux/Ballgown is absolutely beautiful! Imagine being caught in a tidal wave & having to wear it for 2 months! You'll definitely get your money's worth."
I'm sorry if I sound bitter. But it just KILLS me that we spent more in one day on a PARTY than we initially pledged to the tsunami victims. I just don't get it. If someone can explain it to me; I'm all ears.
I didn't see it, but my friend Annie was telling me about it. Apparently, Jenna was caught Live applying her lip gloss during a key speech today. And Daddy W was then caught mouthing to her, "They're watching you" at which time she promptly put her gloss away. Anyone else catch this? Too funny.
Don't you just hate it when you've had a great night's sleep, had a good breakfast, taken your vitamins, gotten ready for work, and then thought, "I look pretty good today!"; and one of the first people you see says, "You look tired. You should really take a vacation." If that's never happened to you; you just suck. And your friends are liars.
I'm sorry if I sound bitter. But it just KILLS me that we spent more in one day on a PARTY than we initially pledged to the tsunami victims. I just don't get it. If someone can explain it to me; I'm all ears.
I didn't see it, but my friend Annie was telling me about it. Apparently, Jenna was caught Live applying her lip gloss during a key speech today. And Daddy W was then caught mouthing to her, "They're watching you" at which time she promptly put her gloss away. Anyone else catch this? Too funny.
Don't you just hate it when you've had a great night's sleep, had a good breakfast, taken your vitamins, gotten ready for work, and then thought, "I look pretty good today!"; and one of the first people you see says, "You look tired. You should really take a vacation." If that's never happened to you; you just suck. And your friends are liars.
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The $40 Million freak show is bad enough, but it's the $17 Million that Washington is having to use from their Homeland Security funds....for the security for the freak show...that blows my mind. What's going to happen now if, God forbid, there's a terrorist attack or some other disaster, and those funds are needed? Are they just going to tell people.."sorry, we had to make sure that "W" didn't have to see any protesters and that Laura didn't get any smudges on her white designer outfit"??? As for the "WHY" all this money is being wasted on such tasteless excess....blame the media. They should be the ones pointing this out...instead of gushing over it like a bunch of brainless imbeciles. In the meantime, I'd love to know exactly how much Laura and the twins spent on all those designer gowns and outfits....and I'm sure the people down at the local homeless shelters would too.
Since it's too late to do anything but accept another four years, I was hoping that there'd be some sign, some recognition that our President wasn't elected by exactly a landslide. I was holding out for an indication that we have serious problems that deserve more than just a mention when running for reelection. I had expected that maybe there'd be more than just lip service to those traditional Republican values of fiscal responsibility and civic leadership.
Nope. Gonna be four years of the same, exporting "liberty" and US jobs.
Nope. Gonna be four years of the same, exporting "liberty" and US jobs.
Hi Kim, This is Strand, a friend of your mom's. Girl, you can beat the syndicated columnists who're getting paid big bucks to write like this. I hope you'll start sending in your writings. I thoroughly enjoyed this and sent it around to my Dem friends. Keep up the good work. I hope you do get to come home in a few weeks.
I have a "Kim" too who's one day older than you. Love, Strand
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I have a "Kim" too who's one day older than you. Love, Strand
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