Sunday, October 24, 2004

I'm just your average Space Cadet....

...which explains why I didn't know who Timothy Good was when I was introduced to him this past week at my bar. My friend said, " I would like for you to meet Timothy; who is the foremost authority on UFO's." I kinda laughed & then saw the spaceship pin on his lapel & then promptly regained my composure & shook his hand. After talking to him, getting his brochure (signed especially for me) & then googling him; it is true that he is the foremost authority on UFO's and Alien Presence. Other than asking him how he got into this gig; I didn't ask anything else. Didn't ask him how, where, when...anything like that. He was here to meet with Government officials. I did get that much. I was INTIMIDATED and I don't know why. I'm guessing it's because he KNOWS stuff. Stuff that you & I are not privy to on a regular basis. Freaked me out. Anyway, he was incredibly nice & recommended a couple of his books for me to read.

Now, I am on the fence about the whole UFO thing. My theory is that #1, if UFO's are actually spaceships containing alien life-forms; they are much smarter than we are. Because they know where we are; but we don't know where they are. #2, if they are that much smarter; would they be using what is probably "public transportation" for them to be getting here? Wouldn't they be using the "Beam me up, Scotty" thing?

My wacky week did not end there. Friday night, a paranormal investigator & "ghost hunter" visited the restaurant I work in in hopes of documenting paranormal activity. They hung around during business hours asking all of us about our "experiences" in the building; and then waited for everyone to leave so they could take "readings" with all their equipment. I am also on the fence about the whole paranormal thing. Yes, I had one experience there that 2 other people were witness to (we all saw the same thing) that could not be explained. But I hesitate to parlay that into a "paranormal" experience. I don't know why I can't come to grips with it. We watched ice being lifted & thrown against a wall BY ITSELF. I feel stupid even writing it down. But it did happen. I work in Old Town, Alexandria which is supposed to be the second most haunted area in the nation. All the buildings are 200 + years old; so I guess there may be a ghost or two lingering around if you believe in that sort of thing. I found out today when I got to work that they had "readings" in two different parts of the room where all the stuff seems to happen. I really can't decide how I feel about the subject. I do believe that souls are energy; that energy can be trapped. But souls hanging around f'ing with the living just for fun seems like a far reach to me. I'm totally open to any thoughts ya'll might have about this.


Clemson won, and if my friend shows his face; he will SO be wearing the GRITS cap this next week. Also, pray for Daunte & the Pats!


LOL..come on're Southern, and you're supposed to believe in ghost. We "invented" ghost in the South. Remember "Harvey", our resident ghost? The strange music that we heard in certain parts of the house in the wee hours? We built over an old Indian Village, and maybe even sacred land, so they were just letting us know that they were there first. :)****Mom
Tisk-tisk, stop asking for a Pats win.
#1. I am up by 20 pts and I need Reuben to drop a goose-egg. If so, 6-1 for me. Yay.

#2. Old Town Alex is nice but I dont go there often. It used to be my hang out some years ago but well... its like they say, cant go back to the house you grew up in. Granted "growing up" was age 24-28. :-P

#3. Daunte only throws 5 every other week.

I just wanted to add Im not so sure about aliens either.

I mean its just near impossible that they would come all this way to earth and accidentally crash land in the desert.

I think more likely all the lights are supersecret stealth fighters they are testing.
6-1 baby

its karma

I was 4-13 last year

I deserve 13-4 at least, this year
but right now, im dreaming
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