Saturday, September 04, 2004

There's the void & then there's the abyss....

...which you've obviously fallen into with that statement. You're falling sassy with arms all akimbo with no one to save you. You're falling into Dante's 3rd level of hell & I couldn't be happier. (My thoughts directed to this guy.....

This guy at my bar tonight was talking about how women should "enhance" themselves so that guys like him will find them more attractive. He looks at me & says, "Come on! You know what I'm talkin' about! I'm sure you've thought about implants. If you got them; I'm sure all the guys would be going crazy over you!"

Dude! guy thinks I'm absolutely beautiful, and
#2....And most importantly....ARE YOU STUPID???? You're insulting a bartender at her own bar? Don't you know that this is the one place that I; as a bartender; have carte blanche? I say who, what, when, how much, & which dicks to kick out! I normally don't pull rank..but I'm making a special exception!! You are totally and most unequivocally the biggest asshole I've encountered in a LONG time. I'm just sayin'. Don't make fun of my boobs & expect to survive the encounter. Unless you're a friend of mine...which you aren't. Hang your head low, little man, & slink back to the low rock from whence you came.


Guess I don't have to say how much this guy pissed me off...


No you don't..........I think we all understand.

C.... :-)
The sad thing is, this troll probably thought he was offering you a rare compliment
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