Sunday, September 05, 2004

May I have a tissue?

I have a summer cold according to my friends. Now, I'm one of those people that rarely get sick. And when I do; it's always one of those slam-bam-thank-you-ma'am sicknesses. I'm either incredibly healthy or in the ER with the Asian flu. There's no in between. I haven't been sick in 3 years. I started feeling bad Friday & just assumed it was allergies & double-dosed the Claritin. I've never had a summer cold in my life. So, by Friday night when I'm maybe hacking up part of a lung; one of my friends says, "Wow. That sucks. You've got a "summer cold"." And let me just ask you: What is a summer cold versus a winter cold? Is there a difference? Is a winter cold just defined by the fact that you're more likely to be wearing a turtle neck & that's a convenient place to wipe the snot? In either case; I'm kinda liking my sexy raspy voice; but I would trade out the snot factor in a heartbeat.

Pray for me.


Well I hope you feel better. A cold is a cold, people call it a summer cold, because it sucks more, since the weather is nicer and there's more fun stuff to do outside.
Thanks Sparky!:) Being a bartender, though, when I'm blogging; I'm just procrastinating at home. ie: laundry piles up, animals go un-petted, etc...
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