Thursday, September 23, 2004

Happy Birthday, Sunshine!

Chris is one of my best friends & today is his birthday. He doesn't read me (for whatever reason) but I just wanted to send Birthday love out to him. And ladies; he is quite a catch. Smart, sensitive, funny. Tall, blonde, and handsome. Also, an incredible golfer. (Handicap: 3) It's true. I find it hard to believe; but he is actually single right now. Our friends ask me all the time, "Scarlett, why aren't you doin' the nasty with Chris?" to which I have to say, "Start sexin' it up with YOUR brother & I will." Seriously, I am very lucky to have found such a great friend. He just hates it; but he has listened to so much chit from me. And he's still there. Amazing. I envy the woman that he ends up with. He will treat her like a queen; and she will be such an incredible woman; she will treat him in kind. Happy Birthday, Baby!

Football: Did ya'll see the pretend TD by T. Owens Monday nite? I love him; but, that was not a freakin' TD. Never, No How, No Way!!! He had possession for about 1 second before he started falling. Mark my words. That play will go down as one of the biggest f-ups of the season. As far as refs are concerned.

Also: Martha Stewart starts her sentence Oct. 8th. After that, she will be under House Arrest for five months. I'm sure she won't be able to find anything to do THERE! I mean; after she re-decorates, plants a garden, and invents 45,001 new recipies; she's going to be bored as hell! Then she'll KNOW she's been punished! (Is my sarcastic tone shining through? I worry sometimes that I'm not being clear.)

I hate to talk politics: But I was reading an article in the Post today about Kerry's alleged "meetings with the enemy" in Paris during Viet Nam. It reminded me that I read something about Jane Fonda in the past year that I had never heard before. (Kerry-Fonda...just humor me) I always heard her nickname from the 60's: "Hanoi Jane". And I just knew the basics. She had gone to Hanoi to visit POW's as her way of showing force against the war. The article I read had her getting little slips of paper from the POW's telling everything from how they were being treated to how to tell their families that they were alive. This report said that when she was leaving; she turned all the "notes" over to the commander of the prison camp. Subsequently, all men that had attempted to pass notes were beaten. And I can't quite remember how many levels there are in Hell according to Dante; but I'm sure Jane will stumble across one or two of them. Just a thought.

Scrapple: Someone please tell me what this is.


Scrapple: fried slice of pork mush.
It's dictionary defined as "cornmeal mush made with the meat and broth of pork, seasoned with onions, spices and herbs and shaped into loaves for slicing and frying." The word, scrapple originates from "scrap" or "scrappy" meaning made up of odds and ends for that's exactly what it is - boiled, ground leftover pig scraps with cornmeal and spices thrown in. Scrapple lovers think of it as food for the gods. Anti-scrapplers consider it a culinary abomination.
No it was not a TD catch. I dont know why the NFL doesnt have more cameras. Apparently, they only use a "sky cam" or coaches cam style that shoots a wide angle from the top of the dome or whatnot. And the players look about a half cm tall. Just put one at every corner! CMONNN

Anyways. I am playing the 2-time league champ this week and I hope that all his RBs go to pot. I am starting 4 WR and he is starting 4 RB... sucks huh
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