Sunday, August 22, 2004

Tonight I cried over spilt milk.

Only it wasn't milk. It was 150 year old Grand Marnier.

I stopped by to see a fellow bartender at her bar after I got off work. Just popped in to say "hello", cause I was actually coming straight home. A man at her bar ordered a 150 right as I got there. She pours the snifter, puts it in front of him, and he knocks it over. Just Like That. Blood of the Unicorn all over the bar. I actually felt tears well up in my eyes. Now; I'm a beer person by nature. Good beer; but beer, nonetheless. I do have a penchant for Very Good Vodka. Which I usually only indulge in when I want to indulge myself. Above & beyond all that; I LOVE 150 Grand Marnier. Anyone that really enjoys a smooth, sweet, sipping liqueur knows what I was feeling while I watched it creep down the bar before my friend could swipe it up with a bar towel. What a waste.

Someone emailed me to ask which bar book I keep behind my bar. It's "American Bar" by Charles Schumann. It's a "Nice" book. Beautifully bound. Colored paper edges with a nice fabric bookmark worked into the binding. It lists all the top drinks; breakdowns on all liquors, liqueurs, wines, champagnes. Beautiful illustrations. How-to's & advice. I recommend it above all others.

Advice on one way to keep Scarlett happy: Don't knock over your 150. I WILL cry.


hi scarlett. thanks for the link :) i will link you back
I say spilling any good liquor is a shame. Like the time I was at a bar and they dropped a bottle of Makers, the whole place was almost ready to cry or kill the bartender for doing that.
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