Friday, August 20, 2004

So sue me....

I'm a creature of habit. When I get home from work (sometimes via a bar, party, what have you) I immediately turn on the TV & the computer. I tune the TV to Nick at Nite, mute it, put in a CD. My computer is across the room from the TV. For some reason, I need to see muted images on the TV in addition to music to complete my internet experience. I know. I don't get it either. Imagine my horror when, tonight I do all this stuff & all I get is a blue screen on my TV. Well, I can't be bothered by going through all the motions of signing off the computer to free up my landline, find the phone book for cable company number & then go to yet ANOTHER room to get my cordless phone to call. I'm a techie. I do what comes natural. I remain in my seat, go to the Cox cable website, find the number, and call from my cell phone which is always at my hip. I connect with a nice young man named "Ryan" in the Atlanta office who is SO excited to be talking to another Southerner. "I've been talking to those damn hippies on the West Coast all night!" His words. I thought about broadening his horizon on the subject of "hippies", but he sounded so sweet & naive; I didn't want to overwhelm him. Anyway, he sends that mysterious "signal" to my box (ok) & if that doesn't work, I'm supposed to call back. It doesn't, so I do. This time I get "Courtney". Courtney is going to try the same signal thing. While we're waiting for my box to do something; anything..Courtney feels the need to share that she is a full-time student working these un-godly hours because she has to keep herself in boots. Boots that go up to her knees with cute little pointy heels (her words). And she shops everywhere. And then she tells me everywhere she shops while I'm just holding that ball-point pen up to my eye clicking like a maniac spelling out "Boots" dot-matrix style on my eyeball. She wraps up by telling me there's nothing she can do; but can I meet a cable guy at my apt. between 3 & 5 on Sunday to see if he can fix it? Sunday? Did she say SUNDAY? As in, 2 days away? OK...paint me stupid; but didn't the whole cliche of having to schedule your life around the cable guy kinda end with the movie? For right now...I've popped in a tape of Lewis Black "Black on Broadway". I don't even need to hear him...I love the finger jabbing thing he does when I catch it out of the side of my eye.

$50 to any Cox cable tech reading this that can be at my house in the next 24 hours.


betcha he just says the ABC modulator/techno thingy in the back died and he needs to replace the box.
I can fix it in 48
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