Thursday, August 05, 2004

It's pretty bright in here....

ahhhh....It's Diamond Dave sittin' over there.

I have a friend who is affectionately known as "Diamond Dave". His name is really Dave; but i'm not really clear on how the Diamond part came about. I've only known him about a year and that's the way he was introduced to me. I know he doesn't deal in diamonds. Maybe he tends to fall in love easily and proposes alot. He is one of those incredibly intelligent people that you just KNOW is teetering on the brink of insanity; because it's just not right that someone is that smart. I run into him about once a week and always end up walking away with new insight about really obscure things. Like heating elements. or Saturn's rings. or "did Roosevelt actually know about Pearl Harbor in advance?". You never know what the subject matter may be when you start talking to him. He just picks & chooses without regard to whatever the conversation may presently be.

Tonight a few of us are having a cocktail after work & just talking about boats. Dave interrupts someone while he's in mid-sentence about mast-height; and says to me, "Scarlett, do you ever question your sanity?" He's not saying it like he's actually QUESTIONING my sanity. Just like he's curious. And I'm thinking this is a subject I can really jump on. "Every waking moment", I say. "Well, then you must be incredibly sane, because only an insane person never questions it." And I had one of those moments you have when someone points out the thing right under your fucking nose that you haven't seen your entire life. And it gave me a good feeling to realize I am sane. Everyone should have a Diamond Dave in their life.


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