Friday, August 20, 2004

Any takers??

I put post-it notes on my terminal to remind me of important stuff. Or at least stuff that I consider to be important Right That Minute. I have one of those skinny post-its on my terminal that simply says, "04032x-00026x". It's been there awhile. I have no fucking clue what it means. I do know that's it's not some code that gives away my site, checking account, or secret drink ingredients. hmmmmmm. Should I save it? Say a little prayer & toss it? Should I ask the cable guy; when & even if he shows up?

When in doubt, save it. Then the other side of the coin is------------Maybe that's why I've accumulated so much "stuff".

C.... :-)
Keep it. It's not taking up that much space.
throw it away.

besides, ultimately you'll figure out you've written it on this blog, so this blog is sort of a sticky note in and of itself.
two guesses:

1) six digit octal codes from a crash on the computer itself


2) the tail end of ISBN numbers which have the structure of "ISBN-\d+-\d+-\d+-[\dX]", although how knowing the last group of numbers would help find those books again I don't know
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