Friday, July 09, 2004

I'm sorry Sir....

....but my Dance Card is full.

Damn, was I just having a good hair-day?

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. I mean; I woke up on the right instead of the left; where I always sleep. Guess it was because the "other body" wasn't there to stop me. (He's been demoted to "other body".) And hasn't been there for about a week. Guess it took me that long to wander over there. Whatever; but I felt weird all day because of it. And then I go to work feeling all out-of-place & somehow I wind up getting 7 unsolicited phone numbers. More than normal for a Thursday night. Are men just hornier on July 8th? 3 on the back of credit card vouchers & 4 on the proverbial cocktail napkin slipped into my hand. Guys: we don't keep these. We turn in the vouchers & throw the napkins away. The woman in Accounting that looks over the vouchers may call you, but I won't. You only get a call if I personally hand you a pen and a piece of paper & ask you for your number. Which we hardly ever do because of the "no strange in - no strange out" rule. I know I'm not speaking for every female bartender; but amongst the group that I know, we don't call men that pass us their numbers while we're working. We may tell you where we'll be later & see what happens; but you'll rarely get a call-back just 'cause you were "so clever" to slip your number to our hands.

Don't get me wrong. I'm always flattered when I get a number I didn't ask for. It means I either; did my job (got you drunk) or you were genuinely taken by me & you want me to call. FYI: if you ask us where we'll be later & we're actually there; there's a chance.

I've never been so tired in my life. I'm putting 3 pillows on the right side of the bed so I don't wander over there again tonight.


ps to M: see? I did it again...a whole post without the word "fuck" in it! Fuck, I did it again! I'm never goin' to get this right!

I did that all of once. Until I noticed that she didn't call. Then I decided to only pursue bartenders that weren't working. Way easier to game, errr... meet... you nice ladies when you're not behind a bar and don't have your anti-drunk-idiot goggles on.

I'll never forget it though. I left her my card. Wrote "thanks" on the back of it. It was at the now defunct NW3 in the East Village.

Sober, I realized she'd never call. Drunk, I was hoping so. This was six years ago now. Damn.

You are, incidentally, quite interesting to read, in part because you're interesting to read, and in part because I deal with so many attractive ladies behind bars, it's a bit of a nice head check to see what at least one of you is thinking. Perhaps it'll help me do my thing better. Convince one of you nice ladies to give me the pen from behind the bar and ask me for my number, or give me hers. We'll see.
The proverbial bartender pants are tight, but not invincible.

We'll take that hill if we have to send every man up it in a blind charge. Bayonets, boys!
Eric, sweetheart, I'm surprised you don't get the pen ALOT! But any insight I can give you; it is my pleasure. I'll try to focus on that.
Johnny honey, you must NAME that mission. It may go down in history! :)
Johnny, it was Gallipoli, right?
Johnny, it was Gallipoli, right?
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