Saturday, June 19, 2004

Thar she blows!!!..

I mean, goes...It's all relative.

I got off work at 12:30 & met some friends at Portners. We left at 2 to go to G's bf's house. Out of all the after-hours parties in Old Town, it seemed the less detrimental to me. Meaning I could have one beer & get home somewhat sober by 3. So at 3 I'm saying my Goodbyes & G asks me for a ride home. I'm stumped. Isn't this her bf's house? So I say, "Sweetie, aren't you staying here tonight?". And she asks me, "Did you mean that cute little German girl? Well, I just thought she & (bf) had so much in common. I told him to go for it if he wanted to." I'm this the same girl that was so devastated over her last break-up, I was the one wanting to commit suicide? Anyway, she wasn't really capable of explaining it to me. (She had been drinking at MY bar from 9p to 12a.) I can't wait to hear the details tomorrow. About why she passed off her bf to some girl we don't even know. (We don't know her; that's key. We're a tight group. Better she should pass him off to someone we know.) Anyway, I ASPIRE to be like that! I WANT to be able to say, "Fuck you! I'm passing you off to the next person that doesn't know me!"

Anyway, I recognize that I've been "wallowing" these last few days. But I promise that, by; let's say, next Tuesday, I will get this blog back to where I originally intended it to be. About a Southern bartender that takes unmerciful shots at her unsuspecting customers. And I may allow them to do a shot or two. They may need it...

God bless my weary soul...& it IS weary.....

"I want to be cool, tall, vulnerable, & luscious.
I would have it all if I only had this much.
No need for lucifer to fall if he'd learn to keep his mouth shut;
I would be involved with you."

- Liz Phair "Perfect World"

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